Samstag, 9. Februar 2013

brave new (yorker) world

mr. huxley und sein soma lassen grüßen
("soma" ist die fiktive droge, mit deren hilfe in aldous huxleys "schöner neuer welt" - brave new world -  das bedürfnis zu kritischem denken und hinterfragen ihrer weltordnung genommen wird)

Mittwoch, 9. Januar 2013

they're coming to take me away - neulich am strassenrand

dedicated to NAPOLEON XIV (alias Jerry Samuels 1966)

They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa!!
They're coming to take me away, ho-ho, hee-hee, ha-haaa
To the funny farm. Where life is beautiful all the time and I'll be
happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats and they're
coming to take me away, ha-haaa!!!!!